Have you ever felt like you can’t relax your muscles? You may ball up your fists, clench your jaw, or hold your back or shoulders in a way that ends up causing pain …ouch! That’s called “Muscle Tension” and it’s a very common cause of muscle pain.
While there are varying causes, thankfully there are also many home remedies for muscle tension that you can do on your own! *If you experience severe pain we encourage you to seek out professional help, and if you are in Austin West Holistic Medicine is here to help!
Recently, Dr. Ashley Maltz joined HealthCentral as a medical article reviewer and in this article, you can read some Dr. Maltz’ approved info about relieving muscle tension.
Home Remedies to Relieve Muscle Tension
Occasional muscle tension or stiffness isn’t unusual. The body evolved to respond to threats by tightening or clenching the muscles as a form of physical protection, according to the American Psychological Association (APA) …
But chronic stress, like the kind most of us experience from juggling work, family, and other obligations, can keep your muscles in a state of near-constant tension. Add in too much time spent sitting or hunching over your laptop or phone, and you’ve got a recipe for tight muscles [and pain]
Read and learn about remedies for muscle tension on HealthCentral! (click here)
In Austin & Need Help with your health?
At West Holistic Medicine our practitioners are experts in holistic & complementary treatments. Check our clinic services page to see our general fee schedule.
Call us anytime @ 512-814-0148 to learn more, or message us on our contact page.