Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is in the same family of manual therapies as osteopathy (as originally taught in the US, and as practiced now in many other countries outside the US), cranial osteopathy, biodynamic cranial osteopathy, and craniosacral therapy.
Although its roots go back to the late 1800s, the current form was developed in the 1980s.
Imbalances and strains on our bodies come from stressors, and until they dissipate, they maintain a stress load in the system.
The human stress response keeps us alive in the face of threats, and ideally, the system returns to a relaxed state when threats are not present. Too many stressors make this difficult.
Our systems’ ability to self-heal is activated in states of relaxation, not stress.
Strain patterns created by experiences of overwhelm, shock, and trauma are originally protective in nature but may remain in place long after onset — until given an alternative.
The work of a biodynamic craniosacral therapist revolves around and expands on palpating the flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord in a patient’s body. Because this fluid flows rhythmically, a well-trained therapist can pick up and read this rhythm anywhere in the body, using a gentle touch.
Developing rapport with the patient’s rhythm, a therapist can invite their rhythm to go into a still point, a pause in the rhythm that allows the system to reorganize itself in a more optimal way.
A still point may last anywhere from a few seconds to 20 minutes or longer as the intelligence within the system considers how best to reorganize toward greater health.
Reading the rhythm can also show a therapist where the flow is constrained locally.
The therapist invites these strain patterns to pause.
As with still points, the patient system begins to reorganize locally in a more optimal way, toward healing, balance, and ease.
The release of these strains reduces stress and frees up healing resources in the system. Patients who have been living with many stressors may report feeling a bit more resilient after each session.
Regular sessions accelerate stress reduction and recovery and work well with other types of health care.
In this way, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy may be thought of as healing from the inside out.
Hi, MaryAnn,
My 17 year old daughter, Sophie, has long covid, and she is one of Dr. Maltz’s patients. Dr Maltz suggested your therapies for her, and I’m just wondering how much you charge. Also, how many sessions do your patients generally need to start feeling better? Is this type of therapy something she would need to continue to receive to feel better?
Thank you!
Hi Tammy!
Thanks for your question. You can check out MaryAnn’s section on our pricing page (click here) for more about the rates.
Feel free to call us to set up a free discovery call. (512-814-0148)
@Tammy, you can also schedule a free discovery call with MaryAnn through the patient portal. Hope that helps!