The benefits of acupuncture, hydrotherapy, yoga, and more to ease pain are becoming clear. What to consider before starting a treatment.
Recently, Dr. Ashley Maltz joined HealthCentral as a medical article reviewer and in this article, you can read some Dr. Maltz’ approved info about complementary therapies for pain
Complementary Therapies for Pain: Should You Give Them a Try?
Living with chronic pain can seem like a carousel of trial and error: endless rounds of medications that you hope will relieve your symptoms. There is another option: complementary therapies, which also are called alternative therapies.
“I like to call them complementary treatments rather than alternative treatments because we are not replacing one modality with the other,” says Mohab Ibrahim, M.D., Ph.D., a professor in the department of anesthesiology and pharmacology and director of the chronic pain clinic at Banner-University Medical Center at the University of Arizona. “There is no single modality that works for everyone. But some of the complementary treatments are very effective.”
Read and learn about remedies for Complementary Therapies for Pain on HealthCentral! (click here)
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